At the World Boxing Council we are convinced that together we are stronger, that our sport is capable of achieving and that there is no adversity that separates our great united family.
Our 59th Convention will be held from November 14 to 19 at the Hotel Presidente Intercontinental in Mexico City.
For reservation information please access the following link: https://wbcboxing.com/hotel– Presidente-intercontinental-sede-de-la-convencion-anual-59-del-wbc/
To register use the following link: https://wbcregister.com/
The agenda (subject to change) can be viewed at the following link: https://wbcboxing.com/mailing/2021/agenda/AGENDA-CONVENTION-59-MEXICO-CITY-2021.pdf
It is mandatory to present your proof of Covid-19 vaccine and wear a mask at all events.
We will carry out our Convention encompassing all the health regulations and protocols, in order to take care of the health of our entire Green and Gold Family.
Any questions or suggestions we will gladly assist you at wbcconvention@wbcboxing.com