At the World Boxing Council, we are convinced that united we are stronger, our sport is ground-breaking and that there`s no adversity or barrier that can separate this great global family.
Our 59th convention will be held in a hybrid way, in person and virtual.
This great event will take place from November 14 to 19 at the Hotel Presidente Intercontinental in Mexico City. For reservation information please access the following link: https://wbcboxing.com/en/presidente-intercontinental-hotel-home-of-the-wbc-59th-annual-convention/
This annual event, which in addition to bringing together international boxing stars from all around the Globe, is the only one which comprehensively combines presentations, medical clinics, approval of world classifications, mandatory fights, seminars for ring officials, judges and referees, and in so doing enriches, freshens, and updates boxing, always prioritizing the safety and health of the boxer.
Our convention this time will also be virtual for those who cannot attend.
The registration fees (American dollars) for the convention are as follows:
$ 150 $ 250 $ 25
You can register at the following link: https://wbcregister.com/
* It is mandatory to present your proof of Covid-19 vaccine and wear a mask at all events. We will carry out our convention observing all the health regulations and protocols to take care of the health of our entire WBC family.
We will announce the official agenda in the next few days.
For any questions or suggestions, we will assist you at wbcconvention@wbcboxing.com