SILVER: Bruce Carrington (US)
WBO, IBF: Rafael Espinoza (Mexico) / Angelo Leo (US)
All boxers rated within the top 15 are required to register with the WBC Clean Boxing Program at:
Continental Federations Champions: | Affiliated Titles Champions: | Others (Not Available ) |
Continental Federations Champions: | Commonwealth: Masood Abdulah (GB) | Bryan Acosta (Mexico) *NA WBA Interim |
ABCO: Sathaporn Saart (Thai) | Continental Americas: Omar Trinidad (US) | Mirco Cuello (Argentina) *NA WBA Interim |
ABU: Lindelani Sibisi (South Africa) | Francophone: Thomas Masson (France) | |
BBBofC: Nathaniel Collins (GB) | Continental Latino American: | |
CISBB: | Mediterranean: | |
EBU: Cristobal Lorente (Spain) | USWBC: Miguel Flores (US) | |
FECARBOX: Nathan Rodriguez (US) | Youth: | |
FECONSUR: Ruben Casero (Uruguay) | AustralAsia: Albert Nolan (Australia) | |
NABF: Bruce Carrington (US) | Middle East: | |
OPBF: Mikito Nakano (Japan) | Far East: | |
India: Satnam Singh |
Pursuant to the WBC Rules and Regulations (the “Rules”, available at, any dissatisfaction regarding a boxer’s ranking shall be addressed exclusively through the administrative appeals process described in the Rules, including, but not limited to Rule 6.10. Such notice shall be directed in writing to the Rating Appeals Committee at the WBC offices. Any appeal under the Rules shall be brought to the attention of the WBC Grievances and Appeals Committee at the WBC Executive Offices. In addition, pursuant to Sections 5.4 and 5.5 of the Rules, any and all disputes regarding a WBC decision that have not been resolved by the administrative appeals process are subject to mandatory mediation, and, thereafter, mandatory arbitration. under the Code of Arbitration Related to Sports by the Court of Arbitration for Sports, and any award thereof is final, binding, and enforceable in accordance with laws including the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards.
*For boxers from the United States of America: The WBC shall, within 7 days of receiving a request from a boxer questioning a boxer’s classification by the WBC: (1) Provide the boxer with a written explanation of the WBC criteria , his classification of the boxer, and the reasons or basis for his classification (including a response to any specific questions submitted by the boxer); (2) submit a copy of his explanation to the Association of Boxing Commissions of the United States.