By Beka Romero
Letting go and transcending, are brave acts that allow us to free ourselves from the past and open ourselves to new opportunities, but it is not as easy as it sounds.
We live in a world of constant change, the ability to let go becomes crucial for our personal growth, emotional well-being and even at a sporting level, for example:When is it time to retire from boxing?, When is it time to turn the page and focus on new opportunities?
Letting go is not synonymous with indifference, but with healthy detachment and tells us about opening ourselves to a new world of challenges, learning, experiences and identifying opportunities. By letting go we give way to personal transformation and when a professional athlete also opens that door, sporting transformation emerges.
Sometimes letting go means giving up control over every aspect of our life, which is difficult but it is an everyday job, because in this renunciation we find tranquility and sincerity. Many boxers, after losing a fight they were waiting for, decide to stop training, hence demotivation emerges, a normal reaction, which we cannot control becomes distressing. There are also strategies that help us let go and let go, some of them are:
Embrace the present and the future.
Personal transformation.
Learn from the lessons of the past.
Letting go clears the path to the future and allows us to live fully in the present, remembering that each journey is personal, helping us to live a fuller life by finding meaning.