By Beka Romero
On May 2nd, The International Day Against Bullying, recognizing an extremely serious social problem, which is a global blight to be addressed with all of our intelligence, energy, ingenuity, humanity…and combined might.
Frequently, victims of bullying suffer in silence. They do not talk to their parents or teachers about being attacked. Imperative to recognize these significant changes in behavior in order to avoid serious consequences, for example:
* Shows of sudden mood swings such as aggressiveness, irritability, anxiety for no reason that justifies it, as well as enveloping sadness.
* Has few or no friends.
* Refuses to go to school or college or claims to be “sick” to stay home.
* Sadness or depression.
* Sleeping troubles plus nightmares.
The victim suffers physical, emotional, social consequences and in extreme cases even death.
Some of the psychological consequences for the victim can be: nervousness, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, low self-esteem and mood disorders: sadness. aggressiveness, and depression
Many children around the world have committed suicide in desperation and despair at being shunned and abused. There have even been massacres committed in their educational centers.
Let’s never forget two main characters involved in bullying: The aggressor who externalizes and then inflicts aggression, as a result of not being able to establish healthy social relationships. And the victim, who will suffer consequences such as the normalization of violence or becoming desensitized, as a result of witnessing aggressive acts.
That is why nipping this in the bud and promptly raising awareness about the social problem is vitally important. Each one of us should, can and must do something to prevent or halt a situation of bullying. Be it parents, teachers, coaches, students witnesses, educational centers. The whole gamut. Action NOT passivity!
It’s in our hands. We must raise our voices, educate with values, report, and NEVER EVER remain silent or passive.