By Dr. Philip Goglia
1- Never go to an event or dinner hungry
2- if an afternoon or early evening event make sure to use healthy snacks that satiate appetite before the event like 2 afternoon snacks of 1 fruit and 12 almonds or a more convenient choice … 2 split nutrition packets
3- Use additional protein snack choices in the afternoon as well like a hardboiled egg or an additional 2 oz of protein with a veggie like tomato …
4- So…. Go into your holiday events and dinners satiated and semi-full … so you “nibble” on things … so that you “look” like you are participating in the holiday food frenzy
5- better snack choices at the parties — sliced veggies … smoked salmon… not cured salmon because of the risk of added sugar while curing the meat…fresh guacamole dip with veggies … shrimp … not coconut fried lol !! But steamed grilled etc… limit the sauces … or no sauces … believe it or not a devilled egg isn’t such a bad choice either …. But absolutely no cheeeeeezeeeeeeeee.. No phlegm …. And if drinking …. If its wine or champagne — remember – three glasses of water for every glass of fermented alcohol you drink to manage the yeast mold and sugars … the better choices are distilled spirits like vodka and tequila … one ingredient alcohols …. Keep your water up!! Remember minimally ½ your body weight in water …. And if active … up to your full body weight in water … drink out of liters because they are easy to count … 33 oz per liter …3 liters = 100 oz … duuuuhhhh…. Ect…….
6- Remember you get 1 free meal weekly. So DO NOT … NOT eat your holiday meal … but don’t skip meals or snacks beforehand to compensate for your holiday meal… Go in full and satisfied. Eat a little bit of each thing. Enjoy ……. It’s the holidays … there are 52 weeks in a year … don’t punish yourself. Remember your food plan … if you expect it to be successful — has to be sustainable ….additionally.. if you don’t have your holiday meal – or birthday meal – or anniversary meal . whatever …… you will be so pissed you restricted yourself that the next day you will wake up and eat the entire bowl of stuffing or pie or cake or . Whatever …. But you will do it. And then ———- yep… feel like shit…….so don’t restrict inappropriately …… do maintain a sustainable food pattern. Practice self-care… Be unreasonable with your expectations. Like drinking your water— get it in!! Use ritual patterns to stay on point with your snacks ………… forecast your holiday meals …. And parties
7- Remember the 1 bite rule ……. If you’re craving something ……. Take a bite. That’s reasonable. Just to experience the flavor. Like the first swig of beer is the best swig… After that you are just “chasing the dragon” and careful… If you’re three bites into it… Chances are you will eat the entire…….. . Whatever —- remember that every choice has a consequence ………. An apple pie is not an apple ……. Rice at dinner with your salmon – doesn’t turn into salmon —- its still rice …. Lol !!!!!!!
8- Don’t under eat