By Dr. Philip Goglia
FATTY FISH: Like salmon, black cod, arctic char and sea bass. These fish choices are high fat species. Using high fat fish as a dinner choice increases the amount of omega fatty acids consumed at night, the result is a deeper sleep, increased growth hormone release and reduction of inflammation.
LEAN RED MEAT LIKE FILET MIGNON OR FLANK STEAK: lean red meats consumed at night will provide a huge energy benefit the following day for early morning training. As well red meat is a source of iron that will increase hematocrit levels (the oxygen count in your red cells) resulting in improved endurance capacity for your cardiovascular training sessions.
SINGLE INGREDIENT STARCHES: potatoes, rice brown or white… yes both (lol), yams, sweet potatoes (yes they are different… look it up) … that’s funny… oatmeal, oat flakes, quinoa, lentils etc. One ingredient starches are your energy source friend, many of which have anti-inflammatory benefits. Stay away from multi-ingredient starches like breads, muffins, bagels, cakes, whole wheat breads, sandwich breads, all of which contain yeast, mold and gluten and are highly inflammatory adversely affecting digestion energy levels and body fat utilization.
POULTRY LIKE CHICKEN AND TURKEY: lean meats like chicken and turkey breast are a great source protein for tissue repair. It is important that you prepare your protein correctly – no fried meats – make sure that all of the skin is off before cooking – broiling, grilling, poaching, steaming and baking is best. Use dry rubs and spices for a variety of flavorings.
DARK GREAN LEAFY VEGETABLES: High iron vegetables are a must as it relates to health and wellness. The iron content of live enzymatic foods like asparagus, spinach, kale and rapini will increase the oxygen count in your red cells (hematocrit), the result is increased endurance capacity and a consistently balanced energy pattern. Iron is an important mineral of the body. It is responsible for transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Women are more prone to iron deficiency than men. Iron consumption may be enough, but iron absorption may not be. The iron rich food list below will provide what you need to include in your daily diet for a beautiful life! Nutrients are chemicals which help in formation and growth of every living organism. Their most important function is to nourish the body and render healthy living. Food is the primary source of nutrients for all living things. Carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and amino acids are main nutrients found in our staple diets. The remaining inorganic compounds are found through water, oxygen and dietary minerals. Essential nutrients sum up a category of nutrients that brings about normalcy in functions of the body. Vitamins, dietary minerals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids are all examples of essential nutrients. Iron – numbered 28 amongst chemical elements and represented as ‘Fe’ – is another important nutrient in our daily diet. Its dietary intake helps in maintaining the right level of enzymatic activity in the body. Iron also plays the role of an oxygen carrier in our systems. This nutrient is stored in three ways by our body. First, hemoglobin which stores maximum amount of iron in our body and then myoglobin and lastly the enzymes. Myoglobin and hemoglobin are types of proteins. These divisions of iron enable efficient transportation of oxygen to all parts of the body. Proteins, also store iron as a contingency reserve. All the iron content is determined by the ‘intestinal iron absorption. Deficiency of iron often leads to anemia, and is seen in pre-menopausal stage amongst women. Common causes of iron deficiency are excessive menstrual bleeding, non-menstrual bleeding, gastrointestinal tract bleeding, respiratory tract bleeding, adequate intake, and malabsorption. The first symptom of iron deficiency is tiredness, followed by fatigue, pallor, hair loss, irritability, weakness and pica. Just as deficit of iron can lead to dysfunctional body, excess of iron can prove to be toxic. It damages the DNA, proteins and lipids. Many times, extra iron can also prove to be fatal.
WHOLE EGGS: Eggs are a fantastic source of protein in fact one of the highest biologically available choices of protein, to be surpassed only by pharmaceutical whey protein. Eggs are transportable and can be prepared in a number of different ways for flavor and texture, poached, boiled, scrambled, frittata, over easy or sunny side up. As well eggs are a great source of choline, inositol, lecithin and essential fatty acids. An egg contains approximately 70 to 90 calories of highly utilizable fat and protein depending upon egg size.
FRESH FRUITS: Fresh fruit items or essentially 1 cup of fruit are all approximately 100 c of fructose (sugar) — all fruits are a part of your energy source groupings of food choices. Some fruits are higher in fiber or water content than others. Some fruits have a higher anti-oxidant content than others. The darker the fruit the better… berries etc. All great choices for metabolic, immune and energy system support.