Whatever happens, the World Boxing Council will hold its annual Convention, but WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman explains that flexibility and adaptability must be intelligently and prudently used concerning location and format, depending on the developing situation.
During the Martes a Café Meeting Online, Mauricio explained the options which are currently being considered, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The already chosen site of St Petersburg currently remains a possibility at the end of August, according to prevailing circumstances. Organizers have assured that it would take a month to make the necessary arrangements. The WBC will have a meeting at the end of this month, to carefully access the ongoing situation.
Option two might involve the Convention being held during December in Las Vegas. The third possibility is an online Convention. Mauricio explained that the WBC has the technical capability to achieve this and is already studying how it could be done. A number of Convention activities would lends themselves to this format, as there are an array of committees.
He said: “We are going through hard times, but together we are advancing.”