At “Coffee Tuesday” we started the great campaign to raise awareness about Mental Health.
It’s a vitally important issue that requires our full card and attention. During this talk, not only appraised of the various initiatives and actions during the month of May but we also witnessed the testimonies of Tyson Fury and Erik Morales who opened their hearts to talk about their own experiences.
Testimonies that undoubtedly made us reflect and give thanks for what we have, but above all they made us think that EMPATHY is one of the most powerful virtues of any human being.
JILL DIAMOND, WBC Cares President
“Mental health is one of the most important issues. We have focused a lot of efforts to carry the message to all communities that mental health is something we should NOT be ashamed of, on the contrary, it is something so natural that it happens to all of us at any moment in our lives. Together, through love, caring, and empathy, we can handle anything.
CHRISTIANE MANZUR, WBC Cares Mexico President
“We are all different but that makes us unique and special. The beauty of the human being is precisely in those distinctions. The pandemic aggravated many problems that were little attended to, but that nevertheless were there lurking our health and integrity. Mental Health matters, as well as love, child and understanding.”
“We have made improving mental health care for all a priority. Every year about 800,000 people die from this cause, and many others attempt suicide. Mental health should be a priority not only for society but also for the government, which is why the initiative called Mental Health Awareness Week began in 2000.
“I am especially grateful to the president of the WBC Mauricio Sulaimán and Jill Diamond, since their support towards this initiative has been essential to reach more corners in the world.”
“We must take this slowly, but we must have the elements and resources to ensure our Mental Health. I cannot say enough about what the WBC does for Mental Health awareness. We can find peace through sports and create a strong community. Together we can promote Mental Health. I feel very happy to be part of this important project.”
DIANA TEJADILLA OROZCO, Technical Secretary of the Mexican Mental Health Council
“I am especially grateful for this invitation and the space to make visible a problem that is not far to anyone, that does not respect age, social status or gender and that if not treated in a timely manner can have a terrible outcome.
Health is not only the absence of ills, the state of complete well-being comes when there is a balance between the physical and the mental. When this does not happen, it is imperative to take immediate action, since it has been proven that there are diseases associated with mental health such as depression, anxiety, and the consumption of illegal and legal substances.”
ERIK MORALES, WBC Legendary Champion
“It is necessary to make visible this problem that afflicts hundreds of human beings. Out of embarrassment we do not dare to ask for help and sometimes this silence has a fatal outcome.”
“I have been prey to anxiety and depression, my life has taken unexpected turns in recent years with changes and very hard events.
“However, sports, a good diet and above all allowing myself to recognize these feelings have helped me overcome these episodes. Learning has not been easy because like any human being we must face success, defeat, adversity and understand that there are many things that we cannot control, that we must let go, breathe and move on.”
XÓCHITL LAGARDA, WBC University Director
“Sport is a beautiful tool as an instrument of peace and well-being for the community. We have worked very hard to create two courses: champion’s mind and mental health tutor, with the firm intention of equipping the entire boxing community with techniques, tools and abilities that allow us to identify our mistakes, acquire new knowledge, and eventually, give a helping hand, efficiently to those who need it most.”
“Thank you to all WBC Cares members around the world. We all have the opportunity to get ahead.
“During the month of May we have a series of activations with the firm intention of promoting mental health care, through the use of green. We try to find people who need help, we seek to create community and break barriers through courage.
“We tried to spread the message that no one is alone, everyone is beautiful and this is what we will always stand for. I invite everyone to be empathetic and not minimize people’s emotions. The world is better when we unite.”
TYSON FURY, WBC Heavyweight Champion
The proud World Heavyweight Champion sent his powerful testimony, in which he recounted his experience with mental health issues and how they almost led him to commit suicide.
Tyson Fury’s testimony is a message of love, inspiration and hope. His story of love, glory, destiny and courage has motivated millions throughout the world and for this reason, we invite the boxing family to watch the following video:
To close this memorable ceremony, Xochitl Lagarda presented the first Health Tutor certificate to Christiane Manzur, who successfully completed this course.