As part of the activities portraying the 60th annual Convention in the beautiful setting of Acapulco, Mexico, from November 6 to 11, the World Boxing Council invites professional cartoonists from all around the world to participate in the contest “Boxing Heroes.”
The best works will be printed by the WBC and will be exhibited during the convention. Below we present everything you need to know to take part.
Terms of the Contest:
Theme: “Boxing Heroes”
1.- The participating works must propose an original interpretation of the boxer they most admire.
2.- All artists who wish to express their point of view on the subject may participate.
3.- The contest starts from Friday, September 30, 2022 and until Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
4.-The participating works must be sent in digital format to the email: planderos@wbcboxing.com
With the following characteristics:
Subject: Heroes of Boxing – Name of Author and Title of the work
Colors: Color file in CMYK mode
Dimensions: 21.0 cm wide by 29.7 cm high (A4)
Format: .jpg file with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Weight: Up to 2 MB maximum
Contact information:
Technique: Free
Format: Tabloid type (30x20cm.)
Quantity: Maximum 2 per author
The best works will be printed by the WBC and will be exhibited during the Annual Convention from November 6 to 11 at the Hotel Mundo Imperial in Acapulco, Mexico.
The winners will be announced during the 60th Annual Convention of the World Boxing Council.
First place: 500 dollars, Glove Autographed by champions and a World Champion mini belt
Second place: $250, and a world champion jersey
Third place: $100 and a world champion jersey
The prize will be delivered in value title “nominative check” or through electronic transfer.
*These prizes do not include travelling costs of the winner, lodging, or expenses associated with the enjoyment of these.
Mentions will be awarded to the most outstanding works, in the opinion of the qualifying jury.
The participant, duly identified, ensures the authorship and originality of the pieces presented, and declares that the cartoons are not a copy or total or partial modification of any work belonging to third parties.
Important Note: Whoever participates in the following call must do so with the understanding that:
By submitting your work(s), you grant full ownership of it by the WBC.
From the works received, a selection will be made to choose the finalists.
All the works received will form part of the WBC collection.
The participant, duly identified, ensures the authorship and originality of the pieces
presented, and declares that they are not a copy or total or partial modification of any work belonging to third parties.
By submitting your work(s), you grant full ownership of it by the WBC
Of the works received, a curatorship will be carried out, in order to obtain a selection that will be toured in different states of the Mexican Republic and abroad during
The WBC will have full power to decide how and when to carry out the museum script, the catalog and souvenir production, as well as the strategies for promotion, dissemination and management of the exhibition at a national and foreign level.
Any matter not provided for in this call will be resolved by the competent authorities of the WBC, and a representative of the qualifying committee.