The Italian fighter Daniele Scardina was preparing to return to the ring when he suffered discomfort during his training, which took him directly to a Milan hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery.
The diagnosis was not encouraging because Daniele suffered a brain hemorrhage. After 10 complicated months of recovery and therapies, he showed that he is a champion inside and outside of the ring and was discharged.
It is true that he has a long road ahead, but based on joint efforts with his family, we are completely sure that he will come out with his hand raised.
The WBC has been in contact with Daniele to reiterate that the José Sulaimán Fund is unconditionally in the champion’s corner and will continue step by step the process of his recovery, providing him with support.
This is part of a message that Daniele’s family shared with us: “The Scardina family first of all thanks you for the help you have given us. The expenses have been significant due to what happened, but as a family we are fighting for Daniele’s recovery. Thank God, he is recovering, since December he has been home and we have to continue with the therapies. We, the entire family, thank the WBC for the support they have given us.”
The José Sulaimán Fund was the last great achievement of Don José, who dreamed of having this resource to be able to support boxers facing crises of various kinds around the world.