Parm Goraya, WBC Cares Member from India, has been doing a great job since the start of the global pandemic, feeding street children in India.
Most of these children sleep on the street, totally vulnerable, some orphans and without adequate clothing. Currently they are provided with one hot meal a day, which for some is their only food. Approximately 70 children are cared for daily with a small budget of $85 (US dollars) per day.
We invite you to join this cause with any donation via PayPal to parm@lzpromotions.com (Payment subject: Family and friends)
You can sponsor 1 day, 1 child or any action, which will surely have a vital change in a life.
If you wish, you can receive daily photos of the food served to the children by email or WhatsApp.
We thank the entire boxing family for their attention, support and friendship.