The WBC and Banca Afirme invite you to join forces for the most important fight of Felipe Orucuta, our “Gallito” who now needs us to win the battle most important of his life.
Today, more than ever, it is time for the boxing family to show solidarity, our love and respect for this extraordinary boxer and human being.
We are convinced that every support helps. ! Deposit your donation in the following Afirme Bank account:
(Donations will be fully intended to support the recovery of the “Gallito”, the account is managed exclusively by the Orucuta family).
Let’s join forces and show that boxing is more than a sport, it’s a family!
Deposits in Mexican territory:
Beneficiary Bank: Banca Afirme, S.A.
Beneficiary: Jesús Orucuta Ramírez
Location: Mexico City
Clabe: 0621 8000 1311 4147 50
Abroad Deposits:
Bank: Banca Afirme, S.A.
Beneficiary: Jesús Orucuta Ramírez
Beneficiary account: 0621 8000 1311 4147 50
Location: Mexico City
ABA: 0210 0103 3
Swift: BKTRUS33
Location: New York, U.S.A.