It is with profound sadness we have learned that Ken Thompson, who created Thompson Boxing Promotions has died aged eighty-five.
Kenny who was its CEO and its dynamo, devoted twenty -three years of his life to boxing, promoting our sport in Southern California and far further afield. What a gold rush…as there was never a dull moment! Kenny was characterized and blessed with the hallmark of kindness, inspiration, tireless energy and wonderful essential enthusiasm. He was particularly brilliant at discovering and nurturing young talent. Kenny cared! One example was Timothy Bradley. There are so many others.
Kenny gave to and gave back to the community, without counting the cost. Rather, in his humility, he saw it as an investment in humanity. It was so essentially him. It is one of the shining reasons we will always remember You.
What a loss this is and how we will miss you Kenny. But your memory is Eternal, and it will live on, via the example you set us and leave us. A legacy of True Sincere, Magnanimous Greatness. How very lucky we are that you chose our Sport on which to bestow your many talents, including the most precious of all…your tremendous gift of friendship and loyalty. We are so proud of what you achieved. There will never, ever be another like you.
Rest in Peace Dearest Friend. Go gently, as you are forever a gentleman. Our Deepest condolences to your Beloved Family and to your so many friends, who span the four corners of this entire World.
We are indebted and so grateful to Mario Serrano, Public Relations of Ken Thompson Boxing for his invaluable, insightful and heartfelt help in this Tribute to Kenny.
It`s the memories you leave that preserve you as strong.