You can play soccer, tennis, baseball and football, but up to now you couldn`t play Boxing. It`s not a play sport…or is it?
ESports Boxing Club together with the World Boxing Council and other friends have broken new ground, to even the playing field. Now you can play if not toy with Boxing, via the most sophisticated and advanced game online using the sphere of social media.
If you´ve got the talent, patience and time, you can discover, develop, match- make, guide and bring your chosen fighter, all the way from the fledgling stage of the amateurs, right up to championship level and a title challenge. In so doing and doing so, this game, which is like no other involves a roster of more than two hundred fighters from the vintage olden days era, right up to the present day, factoring in the British Board of Boxing Control fabled Lonsdale belt and of course the Green and Gold Belt of the World Boxing Council.
Your online gaming skills, subtlety, knowledge and above all judgment will match your chosen fighter, and depending upon your infusing ability, how that individual will climb between the ropes, strike the right cords and get to top pitch. It involves attributes analysis via boxing smarts, guile, calculated risk taking, ring generalship, punching power and championship potential realized. A unique traits system, which exactingly tests to the fullest.
The ultimate prize is the ESBC-WBC Belt, which exists and is there for the winning. The Caesar ethos.
It´s a challenge for beginnings, intermediate levels and then, there are the exulted few who go on and have won. Those, who are prepared to initiate, innovate, work, persist and see it through to conclusion, with cerebral skills gleaned from the whole gamut of boxing knowledge.
The newest trailer of the game have just been released. This video focuses on new and improved punch animations, camera changes, the launch roster, and more.