Thanks to the efforts of the World Boxing Council led by President Mauricio Sulaimán Saldivar, an agreement was created and established with Dr. Andrew Kluger Gerber, President of the Board of Directors of Conexion Facil, in order to make the application available to the boxing community, namely: “Easy Connection 2.0”.
The application is specifically designed to establish a circle of care around the patient with chronic degenerative illnesses, follow-up weight status, anti-doping tests and, plus a punctual follow-up for champions, former international boxing champions and the entire WBC family.
This project began to take shape in 2022 with the commitment to create the best platform to monitor the health of boxers, before and after boxing matches.
Today at our coffee Tuesday it was announced that fighter registrations have already begun, and they also talked about one of the most important functions of the platform: Emergency Response.
This program is based on coordinating response emergencies. The WBC family will have no charge. All this applies worldwide. Not only boxers can register, but everyone also involved with boxing can register.
People have to register with the QR code or contact Conexion Facil. The registered person’s medical security status is checked and from there a profile is created. When a person has an incident, Emergency Response evaluates their needs and is in charge of coordinating and linking prompt and timely medical care so that they can reach their place of origin in the best possible conditions.
When you suffer an incident outside your place of origin, it is very difficult to find solutions. Emergency Response makes this link so that the boxing family knows how to act regarding their medical care.
Mauricio Sulaimán, President of the WBC, thanked the commitment of Mr. Andrew Kluger, a very fine person dedicated to serving the boxing community.