Also known as “cactus food”, mephedrone is a synthetic drug that is part of the cathinone family.
It`s. obtained from the leaves of a plant from the horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula known as khat or Catha edulis. In centuries past, the leaves were chewed to have a psychostimulating effect similar to that of amphetamines. However, from the 1920s and starting from the chemical structure of cathinone, new compounds known as synthetic cathinones began to be synthesized. One of the first ones the mephedrone in 1929.
This substance can be found in presentations such as: powder, crystals or capsules. The most frequent routes of administration being intranasal, oral, intramuscular or subcutaneous; However, as it is also a substance that can be diluted in water.
Mephedrone is a stimulant that produces effects similar to amphetamines, ecstasy and cocaine, causing a euphoric mood, increased empathy and socialization. And also an increase in sexual interest, likewise, it produces an exaltation of the senses for which many have attributed the name of the “queen of parties” becoming very popular among young people.
Effects of its consumption:
Increased body temperature
Excessive sweating
In high doses, mephedrone may cause difficulty urinating
Blurry vision
Kidney damage
Damage to the tissues and structures within the nose
Loss of appetite
In men it can cause impotence
Chest pain
Difficulty to sleep
It is important to mention that the effects of its consumption not only affect the physical but also psychological level, triggering episodes of paranoia, anxiety and aggressive behavior. In addition, it has been found that the consumer does not have clear memories of what happened during the period in which it has been taken, especially when it is inhaled.
If you want to know the list of prohibited substances emitted by VADA, you can consult the following link: https://wbcboxing.com/en/voluntary-anti-doping-association-official-prohibited-list/