5 boxers you can not miss this 2024

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ January 2024 When I say that boxing never ends is because there are always new talents, somewhere on the planet there is a brutal prospect working every day to be discovered, the story of Jesse "Bam" Rodriguez is a clear example of this, "Bam" was in Light flyweight a week before fighting [...]

When titans clash

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ January 2024 Manny Pacquiao announced that he is going to fight Floyd Mayweather, I remember the first time these legends faced each other. I think this fight, the first one, came late, the ideal time to carry it out was 5 years before, where both boxers were at the peak of their [...]

As complex as each punch

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ November 2023 It is complicated to interpret boxing, every fight I see makes me think new things about this beautiful sport, it can be more complex than chess. To be able to throw a high number of punches you must have an enviable physical condition, there are extraordinary cases like William "Camaron" [...]

Pure “BarreTa”

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ November 2023 I was 13 years old when I found out that Marco Antonio Barrera was originally from Iztacalco, very close to where I grew up, it drove me crazy to think that one of the most iconic boxers had been a neighbor of mine. Barrera was incredible, he had a unique [...]

Dinamita Marquez

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ October 2023 Juan Manuel Marquez has a career a little complicated to see, curiously his best years were not in his 20's, Erik Morales and Marco Barrera were world champions at the age of 21, Marquez got his first world crown until he was 30 years old and in general that was [...]

Boxing at the jail

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ October 2023 Friday 9: 00 AM, the appointment was at Marco Antonio Barrera's gym in Iztacalco CDMX, two of my teammates, my trainer and I set off to go boxing at the prision, a former champion is in charge of training the inmates, they are in preparation for the prison tournament that [...]

Blood, sweat and glory.

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ October 2023 Blood, sweat and glory. Winning is not the only thing in boxing, it is the most important. The wars within the sport that we are passionate about are countless, if we go a little deeper into boxing boxers are nothing more than superhumans, train your body in mind and soul [...]

From fiction to reality

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ October 2023 From fiction to reality Sometimes certain outcomes are unlikely to happen, boxing is unwritten and it only takes a second to knock out your opponent. When Tyson lost to James Douglas on February 11, 1990 it represented the biggest surprise in the history of the sport, above all, in those [...]

The higher the better

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ September 2023 I remember very well the first time I went up to Temoaya and Jiquipilco, these two towns belong to the State of Mexico, an area of the country that has certain benefits to train, the main one is the altitude, Toluca is the capital of the State of Mexico and [...]

Little giants

BY GERARDO HÉRNANDEZ September 2023 I fell in love with 115 pounds for several reasons, a few years ago Roman Gonzalez reigned in the PXP rankings and behind him he had a marked group of boxers who gave us tremendous battles, Francisco "Gallo" Estrada, Carlos "Principe" Cuadras and Sisraket Sor Rungvisai, along with other strong [...]