When titans clash


January 2024

Manny Pacquiao announced that he is going to fight Floyd Mayweather, I remember the first time these legends faced each other.
I think this fight, the first one, came late, the ideal time to carry it out was 5 years before, where both boxers were at the peak of their career, this fight should have been in 2010 and not in 2015, but it was what it was and in the end we were all left wanting more.
The ways of boxing are mysterious, beautiful and complicated. Mayweather ended his career just 2 years after fighting Pacquiao, while Pacquiao continued to make history in the sport, both have important legacies in boxing history.

Manny was in charge of fighting against all the boxers who had a name, he risked defeat and made a career full of successes, I remember that even when he fought against Marquez the Mexican people loved him, it was not for less, he was in charge of destroying every Mexican boxer that came in front of him, including Marquez and Morales.

Floyd for his part took care of what always mattered to him, the fact of being the greatest boxer of all time by retiring undefeated, but what about Castillo? It becomes complicated to maintain that status when people who know boxing have knowledge of what “El Temible” meant to Mayweather’s record.

I will never question his quality, he has earned his place and the way he has wanted to run his career is respectable.
It is time to get on the nostalgia train and see two boxing greats return to the ring, it is completely understandable, boxing never leaves your being, once you try it is impossible to get away from it, there is no human power that takes away the desire to box and being two of the greatest boxers of recent times is even more complicated.
Boxing never ends, and hands if it is a pair of monsters.



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