Dinamita Marquez


October 2023

Juan Manuel Marquez has a career a little complicated to see, curiously his best years were not in his 20’s, Erik Morales and Marco Barrera were world champions at the age of 21, Marquez got his first world crown until he was 30 years old and in general that was his career, his best years were in his 30’s and better yet he starred in one of the biggest rivalries in boxing history, his 4 fights against Manny Pacquiao set a precedent in the history of world boxing.

Marquez lived a privileged time for his career, contrary to his competition he enjoyed open television in Mexico, we were able to enjoy the “Dynamite” in the best years of his career and Marquez enjoyed it, he made the best of it and gave us memorable fights.

Boxing was absent from Mexican television for nearly 15 years and when it returned, Box Azteca was in charge of reviving boxing on open television in Mexico and they did it impeccably, shows every week, first class boxing, search for national and international talent, they were glorious years of boxing and the great protagonist of the movie was Juan Manuel Marquez.

In the USA it is normal to see coverage prior to an important fight, Box Azteca was in charge of covering the fourth Marquez vs Pacquiao fight from the preparation to the day of the fight, for Mexicans who did not have access to cable television it was something incredible to see the whole process of both boxers to get to the ring, the rest that happened in the fourth fight is history.

For me, Marquez tied the first fight with great merits, lost the second, won the third and was losing the fourth, even though the opposition he presented was good, at some point in the fight his pace was dropping, Marquez saw the opportunity to take that blow and did not waste it, The reality is that both boxers knew each other to perfection and Juan Manuel knew what to do after each feint or move of Manny and that was how, true to his style, he was able to counterpunch and connect a knockout blow, to achieve one of the greatest knockouts in history.

To speak of Marquez is synonymous with discipline, he was a very dedicated, talented and intelligent fighter, gifted with counterpunching and with the mental capacity to face any challenge.

“El Dinamita” will always be remembered as one of the best champions in history.



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