Blood, sweat and glory.


October 2023

Blood, sweat and glory.

Winning is not the only thing in boxing, it is the most important.

The wars within the sport that we are passionate about are countless, if we go a little deeper into boxing boxers are nothing more than superhumans, train your body in mind and soul to be able to get into the ring to receive punishment is something out of this world.

You need to be different, that is the reality, all the boxers that exist are special, for the simple fact of practicing this sport, which is not easy, it is cruel, it is complicated but at the same time it is glorious.

I cannot describe boxing in many ways, I only know that it is addictive, it is addictive from any position, it is addictive when you see it, when you practice it, when you write it, when you are the referee, the judge and most important of all, the fighter.

It is the raw material of boxing and most importantly, above all, all boxers are different and according to their style are their fights.

Of course as a fan I like to see a war without quarter where both fighters leave everything on the ring, they fight, bleed and give a show worthy of standing, lately you don’t see that much, it is complicated, the sweet science dictates that you must hit without being hit and from the technical point of view of course I prefer to see a boxer walking on the ring, using his technical resources and moving his whole body in perfect harmony, that is like poetry.

As I always say, boxing does not end and I also believe that it is essential to watch boxing, to be soaked in everything that happens around it, it is essential to be locked in the gym to be aware of the future glories of this sport, I think if you are going to be in boxing you must enter fully into boxing, there are no halves, or becomes your life or simply passes through your life.



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