Bert Wells
Tyson Lee
Pepe Sulaiman
Mauricio Sulaiman
Nancy Rodriguez
Patt Fiacco
Malte Muller
Jill Diamond
Victor Silva
Today, the WBC had a memorable conversation with a group of extraordinary people, not only committed to boxing, but also with society and its youth.
The topic was “Amateur Boxing.” The panel, talked about the actions and important tournaments they have organized, and about the challenges they have faced, recognizing that there remain lots more challenges in order to help the kids to fulfill and tame their wildest dreams.
An emotional part of the conversation was when our dear Don Jose was remembered. As one of his greatest dreams was to help amateur boxers, an ongoing campaign that he led to great effect during his entire life.
If you want to learn more about amateur boxing, building its platforms and add to the fight to help provide better childhood opportunities, this is for you.
The WBC family will always take care of fighters before, during and after their ring time. We are deeply proud on counting with the support of such an extraordinary panel, who are completely committed to selflessly serve.
We need to do our absolute best for our kids, and we are committed to make this possible.Watch the conversation: