The Knockout program, implemented by VIRAL and the World Boxing Council, is a tertiary prevention model implemented in prisons in different states of Mexico and Argentina that seeks, through boxing and emotional care, to contribute to social reintegration of the inmates, following their release.
Boxing has proven to be a successful mechanism for promoting discipline, health, and teamwork helping many to overcome addictions. Likewise, emotional care through forgiveness workshops and psycho-emotional care has helped reduce negative emotions, modifying the risk dynamics in which they live. This program aims to provide these skills to allow them to reintegrate into society once they are released from prison, reducing antisocial and violent behavior.
More than 6,000 people have been impacted, both prisoners and their families throughout the 9 years of the program 90% of the participants stopped using drugs.
Eunice Rendón, director of the program, was at our Coffee Tuesday to share multiple details about the program and this important recognition that they will receive in November in Paris.
“This program was a dream 10 years ago. A decade ago, we understood that we needed to work in the prison system so that those who go to prison really come out as better people. It is said very easily; However, it is a very complex topic. What we seek from the beginning is to generate a comprehensive model through boxing, complemented by a psychological and reconciliation dimension. In our first project 9 years ago, we realized that 90% of participants stopped using drugs and we understood the potential of what we could present.
“We applied to the Peace Forum to learn about other projects, and we were pleasantly surprised that we were chosen among the 5 best projects globally in terms of social reintegration. In November at the Peace Forum in Paris, they will give us recognition. All thanks to the “Knockout program, to all those involved, to all the components and because it is a program that for 10 years has maintained the intention of improving the country by providing opportunities to those who need it most.”
Roberto Peñaloza, member of the Program
“Now I am a merchant. I am educated, I got my daughter back and I am still learning. Now I use my tools, but to do good. KO DON’T THROW IN THE TOWEL, gave me a second chance and I will be eternally grateful for having.”