Por Beka Romero
In an increasingly hectic and busy world, we overlook an important part of maintaining good health and well-being: rest.
We often think that sleeping is the same as resting but no. The quality of rest depends on many factors such as: the hours of sleep, the physical and mental state we have before sleeping, the stimuli prior to going to bed, among others.
During deep sleep, growth hormones are released that repair tissues and muscles, essential for example for athletes and/or people who exercise.
In boxing, this step in the routine is fundamental and just as important as the eating plan, training, etc.
To get the most from the benefits of sleeping and resting, it is essential to maintain good sleep hygiene, something like a routine before going to bed, and here are some tips:
Regular schedule: Try to sleep and wake up at the same time, this helps regulate the biological clock.
Appropriate foods before bed: Avoid heavy meals or foods with a high amount of sugar, since digestion can complicate sleep.
Limit stimulation: Before going to bed, limit electronic devices, you can implement silencing some notifications or keeping your cell phone in sleep mode.
The power of rest is a powerful ally not only for athletes but for all people who are highly active. When we subject the body to a few constant hours of sleep, mood and cognitive function are negatively affected.
Maintaining healthy sleep hygiene is a step towards a more balanced life.