By David Sutherland- NABF
We now have the pre-registration open on our webpage if you want to take advantage of saving money. The pre-registration rate is $185 per person if paid before the convention and will increase to $225 per person at the convention. Pre-registration will close August 14th to allow time to print credentials. If you are bringing someone with you and they plan on attending the conference or dinner, please multiple the total number of people in your party attending by $185 when entering the rate in the payment window. I also ask in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS located toward the bottom of the payment screen to add all names in your party including yourself who are attending. If your guest names are not included, they will not have a credential at check-in and will not be able to get into the convention or dinner. We are so excited to see everyone and hope you are able to make it for this special event.
Link for Pre-Registration: NABF CONVENTION 2022 Pre-Registration (nabfnews.com)
Also, this is an election year so you will need to have your membership paid before attending the convention to be eligible to vote. Paid members from each state, province or territory will determine on their own who will represent their area. All current members are listed on our website (www.nabfnews.com) in case you are not sure about your membership status you can look there. Just move your mouse over the tab at the top of the screen that says MEMBERSHIP and click on Membership List. If you want to renew your membership, online click on MEMBERSHIP and you can pay using your credit card. You can also print off the form and send to me by mail if you desire. dsuth55@hotmail.com
Below is the email previously sent for the room reservation. You will want to book this as soon as possible to get a room at the special $130 rate before they are all gone.
We are thrilled to announce that the North American Boxing Federation annual convention for 2022 will be held at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. With our convention rate the rooms will go quickly, therefore we urge you to book early. Room rates $130.00
The best way to reserve your room is online through: https://book.passkey.com/go/SPBOX2
Warning…..For guests that prefer to phone in their reservations, they may call our Reservation Center at 877-603-4389 to secure a reservation on your group block. However, they should be aware that a processing fee per reservation will be incurred if they choose not to use your dedicated weblink. Currently, the name of the group is listed as NABF 2022 Annual Convention. Callers may also use your group code to identify the group, SPBOX2.
Tentative Schedule
Thursday – September 8, 2022 – Arrival Day – Evening Reception
Friday – September 9, 2022: General Meetings
Saturday – September 10, 2022 General Meeting – Evening Awards Banquet
Sunday – September 11, 2022 – Departure