City of Hope has existed for over 110 years, serving the community, helping patients battling cancer among other illnesses with the newest technology and the best care possible. WBC Cares has seen this not only through the eyes of our Chairperson, Jill Diamond, but also through Champions like Leo Santacruz who saw his father, Don Jose Santacruz beat cancer thanks to the help of the doctors at City of Hope. The doctors and surgeons at the facility spend endless hours researching new cures, new treatments and the best care possible for their patients. No patient is turned away regardless of their financial situation.
For this, and thousands of more reasons, WBC Cares recognized City of Hope as an Honorary Champion facility. Awarding a special City of Hope WBC Belt for the Hospital, a belt for every staff member from surgeons, nurses, lab technicians, every single staff member to walk by the Championship Belt and remind them they too are fighting with their patients, the real fighters of life.
Dr. Vijay Trisal, Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Mike Chen, Chief Neurosurgeon, received this unexpected WBC Championship belt on behalf of City of Hope. “We are here, fighting alongside with our patients, their fight is our fight!” words from Dr. Trisal. Dr. Louis Rodriguez was first to diagnose Don Jose Santacruz and immediately referred to City of Hope Oncology because his blood results showed he had cancer, therefore he wanted to send him to the best care. Since then, eight years ago, Louis Rodriguez has helped so many other fighters family members as well as helped WBC Amateur programs among so much more. We thank Louis Rodriguez for uniting WBC Cares and City of Hope, from this we hope to bring more awareness to the community as well as collaboration events with City of Hope.