The Federation of Professional Box Commissions of the Republic Mexicana (FECOMBOX), was born as an intelligent response from the vast majority of the main boxing commissions in the country, to make a common front against the boxing guys, pirates, mercenaries and those beings that thrive at the expense of Mexican boxer who have taken him to have times of darkness and mercantilism that have definitely been a true scourge that has lacerated our boxing in grade superlative.


The goal of the WBC World Youth Boxing Championship is to organize top rated championship bouts for the many great prospects that are in the boxing world today. Usually young boxers are brought from the amateur ranks to the professional field where, in many cases, their careers are put in jeopardy because their managers or representatives allow the young boxers to fight against more experienced and superior fighters before they are ready. In most cases, they were pushed into mismatches because of their good records and obvious talent for world championships. At the same time boxers and managers are not willing to wait until the boxer is mentally and physically ready to accomplish his dreams.

With that in mind, the WBC World Youth Championship was created in order to care for the young boxers, open the doors for opportunities , and cover the big step from amateurism  to world championship fights. The World Youth championships are not for kids, and they are not for amateurs, or amateurs who want to move into the professional ranks instantaneously. These championship titles are for professional boxers with attributes to become champions of the world. The World Youth Championship titles will give boxers their first step into championship fights, and helped them attain the opportunity to compete for world titles.

Since its inception, the World Youth Championship program has held  855 championship fights within all 17 weight divisions. We have had participants from all over the world, which several of the young boxers who have graduated from our program have gone on to fight for world titles.   I cordially invite you to contact the World Boxing Council main office or myself at cowboy@sombrero.com.


Yours truly,

Rex Ross Walker


WBC World Youth Boxing Championship


The WBC Amateur Program was established on July 12, 2016, due to an initiative of World Boxing Council,President Mauricio Sulaimán Saldívar, in order to preserve and support Amateur boxing.

The World Boxing Council  immediatly began working with a group of amateur boxing experts who are  contributing their ideas and have developed  the regulatory framework with the main purpose of protecting  the integrity of the boxers.

Then, a group of people were trained to serve as Ring Officials and WBC participation in amateur boxing ensued, with important tournaments in order to serve  hundreds of people who saw in this project another viable development alternative for their fighters.

A series of preventive measures have been taken to provide greater protection for young boxers. These include  compulsory use of a headgear, a shirt, a protective shell for men, and a pelvic plus  pectoral protector for women. Only  ice and water, eliminating the use of Vaseline,  using bandage with 5 rings and cushion. Prohibited  to fight with brackets, energy drinks only at the end of the combat, and constant training in various places.

We have held six seminars and bandage sessions, chiropractic, first aid and dental sessions completely free, Ambulance and paramedics service is also at hand.

Gradual  changes in all places to the official colors of the WBC Amateur that are Green and Gold viz ropes, corners, canvas and skirts, also in headgears  uniforms and gloves.


Welcome to a new era of the WBC, in which we’ve  created a formidable and exciting program that will provide many benefits to its exclusive members. This program has been designed for all those extraordinary members who have been very close and loyal to the WBC over  the years, as well as for the new generations who are trying to raise boxing to the highest levels. Do not miss this opportunity to join and be part of the World Boxing Council.

