Fifty years ago on October 30th, 1974, one of the greatest sporting events in history unfolded and enveloped in the searing heat of a velvet African night right, in the heart of Zaire… now Congo: The Rumble in the Jungle presented by Don King.
To aptly and chronologically celebrate this iconic boxing gem moment in time, the World Boxing Council decided to invite artists from all around the Globe to participate in “The Rumble in the Jungle” contest with al the participating works had to propose an original interpretation commemorating the 50th anniversary of this uniquely illuminating match.
The best works will be printed by the WBC and exhibited during our Annual Convention to be held in December 8- 14 in the city of Hamburg, Germany. The winners will be announced during the last general session of our annual meeting.
First place: $1,500 USD
Second place: $750 USD
Third place: 500 USD
The cash prize will be delivered by electronic transfer.
The World Boxing Council decided that we will be considering the opinion of the boxing family to choose the best ones and after two weeks, you have chosen your favorite 8, but we still need to choose your 3 favorites: