The Charlo vs. Castaño rematch is creating a considerable buzz in Los Angeles and has caught the eye of some of the biggest influencers in Southern California who will be attending the fight this Saturday at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California including Fousey, Tayler Holder and Good Girls actor Manny Mendoza.
Boxing has reached a new era where more influencers (YouTubers) are getting involved in Boxing. Although some hard-core Boxing fans have mixed feelings about this, we have to look at it from a different perspective. New eyes to the sport are a good, because millions are watching these influencers day in and day out.
The sport is well-known for the phrase, “Boxing saved me.” Boxing is a humble sport with a lot of discipline and dedication. Let’s open our minds and understand how important it is for youth to see the sport we love, through the eyes of influencers like Fousey, Tayler, Manny, Jake Paul and many more who are now supporting Boxing.
As an example of the great synergy, WBC Cares and WBC USA office will join today at Jack Rabbit Boxin with Rising Prospect, Ashton M. Sylve
Influencers Yousef Erakat, Tayler Holder, Actor Manny Montanaand many more!
Offering Giveaways tickets to the upcoming #CharloCastaño2 rematch!
Event starts at 5pm LA Time at @lbjackrabbitboxing !
See you there Boxing Fans!