Today, in the traditional “Coffee Tuesdays” the President of the WBC, Mauricio Sulaimán, spoke about all the details of the upcoming race of champions in its 8th edition and which, as usual, will take place in the 6th and 12 kilometers, on May 29.
Mauricio stated that the entire boxing family is very excited because, as we all know, the race was suspended for two years due to the pandemic; however, we will meet again on the track to challenge our times, our physique, but above all to live and enjoy with the family and with the green and gold champions.
Finally, President Sulaimán invited all those present not to miss out on this great event and register directly at Marti stores or on the page www.emociondeportiva.com and announced that this boxing and running party will be full of surprises as the race will have incredible guests.