WBC Amateur Tournament: A Success in Santiago de Guanajuato

Last weekend, on Saturday, June 29, and Sunday, June 30, the much-anticipated WBC Amateur Tournament took place in the city of Santiago de Guanajuato, Mexico. The event brought together representatives from 18 states of the Mexican Republic, with more than 300 athletes participating across three categories: Infantil, Juvenil, and Elite. The national tournament was held […]

Los Angeles Green Belt Challenge

The Green Belt Challenge was born summer 2015. Don Jose Sulaiman always had a dream of helping Amateur Boxing. Rudy Tellez executed this dream by presenting the idea to our Los Angeles Office and with the support of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office, the WBC, USA Boxing’s LBC 33, and an amazing group of volunteers, […]

In Salto, Uruguay, a new date of the Mercosur 4 tournament was successfully held by CUBAP

With great success, another date of the famous Mercosur 4 tournament was held in Uruguay, organized for years by the Uruguayan Amateur and Professional Boxing Commission (CUBAP), whose president is Sergio Marquez. Around 27 fights took place at the Círculo Sportivo Club in Salto, where the victories of Enso Silva, Sara Santos, Jorge Cabalo, Agustín […]

Another London boxing event promoting coexistence

Another great boxing event in London, organized by Gloves and Doves, was a big success. This historic night of boxing aimed to promote coexistence in Israel and was marked by the excellent work of Tony Milch. The evening featured four international amateur bouts: England vs. Israel (Team Gloves and Doves). All the bouts were equally […]

The WBC Amateur Mercosur 4 Tournament continues to make great strides in Uruguay

On Saturday, April 13th, a new round of the Mercosur 4 Tournament, organized by CUBAP (Uruguayan Amateur and Professional Boxing Commission) and chaired by Sergio Marquez, took place. This tournament is the competition with the most clubs and boxing schools in Uruguay and is part of the WBC Amateur competition circuit. This time, the event […]

Cecil Page Honored with Prestigious WBC Lifetime Achievement Award, in the UK

Cecil Page of the Kingfisher Amateur Boxing Club was honored with the prestigious World Boxing Council (WBC) Lifetime Achievement Award for his dedicated service to the sport of boxing. The award was presented by WBC Cares UK Chairman Scott Welch and David Walker, the representative of Cleto Reyes merchandise, at the recent Kingfisher AMB home […]

Fights for Peace: WBC Amateur event unites communities in Israel

In a remarkable display of unity and athleticism, the WBC Amateur event held in Isfiyah, Israel on April 26th proved to be a resounding success. Organized by Tony Milch, the event brought together participants from diverse backgrounds, including both Arab and Jewish communities. “The event was a great success. We had all faith competing in […]

The Ring Masters tournament, the largest amateur tournament in NY held their finals at Madison Square Garden on April 11th

The arena was filled to capacity and the crowd roared with delight at each punch and victory.Ring Master and the NY Metro are grateful to the WBC Amateur Committee for their constant support and the beautiful medals they supplied; as were each boxer who walked out of the ring in their gold and green medallion. […]

Summit of Presidents of six Turkic-speaking federations, with a focus on amateur boxing

On April 7, 2024 in Almaty, Kazakhstan in the conference hall of the Kazakhstan Hotel, the Summit of Presidents of six professional boxing federations was held. The fraternal Turkic –speaking countries united to strengthen cooperation and develop relations between them in the field of boxing. The heads and representatives of the professional boxing organizations of […]

Stellar WBC Green and Gold Tournament

Such a memorable event ant the austerely beautiful Ceremonial Center, the “Green and Gold” Tournament involved more than 450 boxers from 18 states of the Mexican Republic….the cream of a young blossoming crop. It lasted three glorious days, with bouts in three rings to define the best fighters of the competition. Fighters from: Sonora, Baja […]

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